Are We Ready?

The tour is almost upon us. Jack, Phil and I have been exchanging emails for last minute information. A prevailing tone has been a wondering if we’re collectively ready for this. Since returning from vacation travel 30 days ago, I’ve gotten in 395 miles and just under 14,000 feet of climbing. 168 miles and 8,000′ climbing were about 75% loaded on the Surly.  Jack’s done a bit more than that.  Phil did the Mormon Lake and Luna Lakes rides with me, so he’s likely on par. As Jack points out, we’re about to try 800 miles and 30,000 feet of climbing

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Luna Lakes Conditioning Ride Day 3

Wow, just a little bit of everything today. A very eventful day on tour. Up at the crack of dawn this morning. Phil made black coffee and I added some Pop-Tarts for calories. We made our way out onto the streets about 6AM just as the sun peeked over some nearby trees. Eastward on NM12 and immediately into climbing mode. The route is especially pretty in the morning, cut deeply through a few rock walls. The long morning shadows in shades of orange were a sight. This first climb is a real doozy, about 2200’ in 12 miles. I stopped

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Luna Lakes Conditioning Ride Day 2

To our delight, this was one of those truly great-to-be-out-here days. We needed it after yesterday. Eggs and bacon at the Largo Café for breakfast. The cook then brought out 2 huge pancakes for each of us. Who are these for? (They come with breakfast.) Phil and I could barely touch them. To the general store for provisions. For me that’s Fig Newtons, Skittles, and a can of 7-up. Oughta last 40 miles, along with 4 liters of water and the Pop-Tarts I had. Certainly reflects a riding mode, being so carb intensive. South down NM32. The air was humid

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Luna Lakes Conditioning Ride Day 1

Phil and I decided to test our mettle on this tour as part of conditioning for the Northern Rockies later this month. I’d actually ridden this back in 2008 on my Trek road bike, and then again in 2010 on the Surly unloaded, both times supported by the GABA Tucson group. But this time we’ll ride it unsupported and thus carry all our clothes and provisions in panniers.  We did decide to stay in motels, alleviating the need for tent and sleeping bag. Quick summary of the ride is shown in this map: We drove up Thursday evening and stayed

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2017 NR Tour Planning

Jack planned last year’s tour in Minnesota after RAGBRAI, so the task logically fell to me this time around. I had no idea what difficulties I was about to encounter. Spent most of the month of June in Europe. I’d hoped to do some planning while away, but that’s really hard to do in a foreign land surrounded by great family, great scenery, great food, and much activity. I finally arrived home in early July with planning as my top priority, and soon felt it crash in on me. A simple look at Day 1 out of Jasper revealed no vacancy at

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Mormon Lake Loop

Record heat in Phoenix today. Here in July that’s saying something, as the thermometer topped out at 118F (48C). Instead of fighting it, Phil and I jumped into the SUV and took off for Flagstaff to get in a training ride. In searching for bicycle routes online, I stumbled across a map from Absolute Bikes describing a Lake Mary and Mormon Lake Roads route as “the classic Flagstaff road bike ride.” Our quest for the day was thus set. We breakfasted and staged at the IHOP near the intersection of I-40 and I-17, and were soon on our way southeast

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2017 Northern Rockies Tour Is On

Planning is now seriously underway for this year’s tour.  Jack, Phil and I considered 2 options.  One was north-to-south along the Oregon and northern California coastline.  What won out, though, is a north-to-south route through the northern Rocky Mountains, starting in Jasper Alberta.  Should be fantastic. The route will follow the Adventure Cycling Association’s Great Parks North route.  Starting in Jasper National Park, we’ll basically criss-cross the continental divide a couple of times, wavering between Alberta and British Columbia.  Crossing into the US, we’ll then ride through the Rockies of western Montana through Glacier National Park. The plan is to

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Sedona Day Ride

It’s starting to look like Jack, Phil, and I will eventually plan a touring trip this summer or late fall. Headliner ideas are either the Oregon-California Coast or a Northern Rockies path. Either would be fantastic. This weekend Phil and I decided to jumpstart the riding year with a day ride in the Sedona area.  We planned a few options, basically 30-, 45-, and 60-mile out-and-back options, and also mapped out a few loop options if we wanted extra miles. We met Friday morning and took the scenic route (AZ87 and AZ260) from my place up through Payson, Pine, and

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2016 Riding Year in Review

Yet another calendar year gone by. In terms of cycling, rather unremarkable with a few notable exceptions. A long steady decline in mileage year on year. 2011 – 8,487 2012 – 3,030 2013 – 2,827 2014 – 1,998 2015 – 1,657 2016 – 1,616 One might be tempted to chalk that up to age or interest, but mostly life getting in the way. Took some huge breaks in there due to conflicting travel. Aaverage distance per ride is staying pretty steady, just a drop in number of days doing it. 2011 – 47.7 miles /ride average (178 rides) 2012 –

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IM18 – Stillwater

Diamond Bluff, Wisconsin to Stillwater, Minnesota Distance: 35.5 miles Ascent: 2,171 feet Cumulative Distance this tour:  844.8 miles Cumulative Ascent this tour: 34,412 feet Up early this morning.  It had been a perfect night of camping – serene and perfect temperature.   I took another long stroll around the apple orchard.  Magical stuff.  At one point I startled 2 deer who bounded away in giant leaps.   Around the pumpkin patch were lots of plants that reminded me of childhood in Pennsylvania…milkweed, goldenrod, and many others with unknown names. Back in camp it was peaceful and slow.  Jack and Phil were

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